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SclerotherapyIn Paramus

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Eliminate Spider Veins With Sclerotherapy

cutting-edge spider vein treatments

You don't have to live with purple, painful spider veins anymore. At Chuback Vein Center in Bergen County, we offer cutting-edge spider vein treatments to meet your needs and have expertise in both visual and ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy techniques. Our board-certified staff is highly trained, and our top priority is taking care of you by providing you with the safe, effective, and customized care you deserve. We strive to deliver the best sclerotherapy Paramus has to offer.

What Causes Spider Veins?

minimize their appearance

womans legs after sclerotherapy

Veins can fail to function normally for a variety of reasons, but most commonly, it is due to age or excess weight. When the veins no longer transport blood the way they're supposed to, blood can pool, causing the veins to swell and create varicose and spider veins that can be unsightly, painful, or both. Circulation issues arise as we age, but fortunately, there's a way to minimize their appearance.

What Is Sclerotherapy?

modern techniques

Sclerotherapy is a technique used to treat venous insufficiency, particularly in smaller veins. The treatment involves injecting a medication into the afflicted vein, causing it to seal shut. Blood flow is then redirected through healthy veins in the area, and the closed, unused vein is reabsorbed by the body.

As a procedure, sclerotherapy has been performed by doctors for over 150 years. Over that time, the procedure has evolved significantly, with ultrasound-guided and foam sclerotherapy representing the most modern techniques available. Thanks to the latest advances in vein treatments, Chuback Vein Center in Bergen County can help you get rid of unsightly and uncomfortable veins and reclaim a youthful look for your legs, hands, or wherever spider veins are bothering you.

Benefits of Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a safe and effective way to get relief from the symptoms of spider veins and varicose veins. While most patients seek out sclerotherapy for cosmetic reasons, it can also be helpful if you have symptoms in your legs or hands like:

  • Aching
  • Swelling
  • Burning
  • Cramping at night

By treating your spider or varicose veins with sclerotherapy, you can reduce or eliminate these symptoms without the risk of severe complications. Most Paramus sclerotherapy patients see a reduction in the appearance and effects of venous insufficiency within a few weeks. The procedure is quick and relatively painless — taking less than an hour. Recovery is typically easy, too, as most patients do not even need over-the-counter pain medications after the procedure.

Am I a Candidate for Sclerotherapy?

overall good health

Because sclerotherapy is so safe, almost anyone bothered by spider veins' appearance can be a candidate. Patients who are in overall good health tend to respond best to the treatments. It's also vital that prospective patients be ready and willing to follow all the advice the doctor gives them and that they have healthy, realistic expectations for the procedure.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should wait to have sclerotherapy done in most cases. During your consultation, our highly skilled staff at Chuback Vein Center will closely examine your medical history and listen attentively to your concerns. We'll also check for any underlying vascular diseases and make sure any medications you may be taking do not interfere with the procedure. During that time, we will also talk you through the treatment options and determine together if sclerotherapy is right for you. Our top priority is to give you the highest level of care and satisfaction.

Preparing for Your Sclerotherapy Procedure

Before your sclerotherapy procedure, our Bergen county vein doctor, John A. Chuback may ask you to reduce or stop taking any blood-thinning medications or supplements you may be using (including aspirin, ibuprofen, or iron supplements).

On the day before your spider vein treatment, you should also refrain from shaving or applying lotion. It is also recommended that you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to your procedure, and — while you will be fully alert — it may be recommended that you have someone drive you home from your procedure just to be safe.

womans legs after sclerotherapy

Your Sclerotherapy Procedure

state-of-the-art Chuback Vein Center

woman exercising after sclerotherapy

All of our treatments are done in our state-of-the-art Chuback Vein Center in Paramus, New Jersey. Most sclerotherapy procedures take 45 minutes to an hour to perform, but your treatment will be customized specifically for you, so the length of your procedure may vary.

The treatment will begin with you positioned on your back with your legs slightly elevated. Your skin in the treated area will be cleaned and sterilized, and, in some cases, we will use an ultrasound machine to precisely locate the vein to be treated. After the solution is injected, we will apply compression and massage the area to prevent bleeding and ensure the solution is appropriately dispersed. We may also use a compression pad temporarily before moving on to the next vein.

Your Sclerotherapy Recovery and Results

very quick and painless

The recovery process from sclerotherapy is usually very quick and painless. However, some patients experience minor swelling or bruising around the injection sites. This is normal. You can usually treat inflammation (and any pain associated with it) with over-the-counter pain medication. You may also notice red lines or spots, but these typically subside within a few days.

It will be important for you to begin walking and moving around shortly after your procedure, as this helps prevent blood clots from forming. Your doctor may recommend that you wear compression socks for one to two weeks following your treatment as well. Most patients can resume some level of everyday activity on the same day as their procedures. However, you should avoid strenuous physical activity for at least two weeks. It is also essential to protect the treated areas from sun exposure. Any inflammation, along with exposure to the sun, can cause dark spots to form on the skin, especially in patients with a darker skin tone. Typically, patients can expect to notice definitive results in three to six weeks as the body reabsorbs the treated blood vessels. Some larger veins may take up to six months to fully fade. Your doctor will schedule a follow-up visit a few weeks after your treatment to assess your progress and see how you're feeling. Because the procedure is highly targeted, many people need several sclerotherapy treatments to achieve their desired results. Although new veins may appear, the treated veins can be expected to be gone permanently.

Risks of Sclerotherapy

All medical procedures involve some level of risk. Sclerotherapy is considered a safe procedure, but can result in allergic reactions, headaches, and blood clots in extremely rare cases.

This is why it's crucial to have your Sclerotherapy procedure performed by a trained professional like the ones at Chuback Vein Center in Bergen County. Our team has decades of experience in sclerotherapy and we will make sure your procedure is safe and effective.

Consult Chuback Vein Center About Sclerotherapy Today

Paramus, New Jersey

If you're ready to eliminate your spider or varicose veins, contact Chuback Vein Center in Bergen County today! We offer safe and effective treatments for unsightly veins in the Tri-State area in an environment that sets you at ease. Our friendly, compassionate staff will customize your treatment precisely to meet your needs and goals. To schedule your appointment with one of our vascular specialists, call us at (201) 261-1772 or fill out the consultation form on this page. We can't wait to help you restore your health, beauty, energy, and confidence!

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We invite you to become a part of the Chuback Vein Center family. We are confident in our ability to restore your health and wellness.

205 Robin Rd, Suite 333a, Paramus, NJ 07652

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